Neuroscience has become an increasingly popular topic in recent years, and its applications in the field of business analysis are vast and varied. In this interview with Trent Leopold, a neuroscientist and business analysis expert, we explore how neuroscience can be applied to the business analysis mindset.
Trent explains that the human mind plays a critical role in every process that is done in any organization. He further highlights that there are two different kinds of mindsets – individual and collective. The individual mindset comes from an individual person, while the collective mindset is more like what a healthy culture thinks about things together.
He goes on to say that when we think about the mindset collectively, it’s important to think about two different things. Firstly, that it is always changing depending on various factors. And secondly, that our brains, when we’re in a room together with other people or even on a video call, are communicating on a subconscious level with each other.
Trent stresses the importance of business analysts understanding that human beings have this thing called a mindset, which is both conscious and subconscious. By understanding the fundamental nature of the human mind, business analysts can use tools and techniques that have been developed in the laboratory to help foster change in processes and make them better.
He also mentions that his long-term research project, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Machine, has helped to understand how the brain works, which can be used to improve society in general by making processes more efficient and effective.
Overall, the application of neuroscience in business analysis can lead to a deeper understanding of human behavior and decision-making, which can then be used to improve processes and make organizations more efficient and effective. It’s important for Business Analysts to keep updated with the latest research and advancements in neuroscience to better understand and improve their practice.
You can contact Trent Leopold at