In RFP (Request For Proposal) different companies share informations about a problem or opportunity to be addressed. And Business Analysis operates in both sides of this communication.
RFP is a request in which an issuer asks responders to submit proposals demonstrating how a product or service they offer can solve the issuer’s requirements.
Read the original article from Suhas Kerurkar on witch this movie was based.
Special Note: I believe this movie is an inflexion point in The Brazilian BA trajectory. All published videos before this one, was stories I had already done in Portuguese and was simply translating to English. This one was different. Suhas, an Indian who works in Abu Dhabi (UEA), saw my videos and we became new friends in social media. We decided to create something together and this story was created based on his ideas. And I loved it.
I want to repeat that process and find more partners around the world to create interesting content.